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Marketing Edge

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Creative Angles Marketing to and For Non Profits - Reaching Sub-Culture Communities

You've all seen how Amazon and other online retail sites create affiliations, you know, People who bought this book also bought... Creating associations is the efficient wrinkle for marketers. Non-Profits have been doing this type of associating for a while in the physical world. For example, producing rides for cyclists or marathons for runners with the objective to raise money and expand their network of advocates.

Albert Maruggi, host of the Marketing Edge podcast for business and consumer marketers, provides insights into how to tap into associations and reach their audiences as well as the communities they are incorporating into their fund raising efforts.

It also touches upon our corporate communications directors and marketers can enhance the company's or clients' community relations through charitable giving.

This podcast features tactics used by the MN Aids Trek, reached out to the cycling community in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro and an interview with First Giving CEO Mark Sutton.

Maruggi is riding in the 175 mile MN Aids Trek on Sep 9 and 10 from St. Paul to Duluth, MN. We invite your questions which will be used on the Marketing Edge podcast by calling 651-695-0174 or email amaruggi@providentpartners.net Or visit Provident Partners


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