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Marketing Edge

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Friday, November 25, 2005

Podcasting & PR Like Turkey & Mayo

Provident Partners has had a ton of new podcasting business for which we are very thankful. Here are a couple of real life examples of how podcasting has led to great public relations and media coverage. First for a client called Technomic Asia www.technomicasia.com and then for a technology firm called SoftBrands. www.softbrands.com

Lastly, we highlight ways we are promoting a new book launched by our client author Steven Ganster. The book is entitled The China Ready Company and it shows companies how to assess their strengths and weaknesses if they choose to engage in a China market strategy. www.chinareadycompany.com. Albert Maruggi hosts this Marketing Trends segment.

We also like to thank Mitch Wagner the Senior Editor of Information Week online for posting our interview with him on the Information Week podcast. Any questions or comments email them to amaruggi@providentpartners.net


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